simPop 2.1.2 (2022-11-07)
- use 'partykit::ctree()' and 'partykit::cforest()' addressing issue #22
simPop 2.1.1 (2022-10-26)
- warning in updateVec.cpp resolved
simPop 2.1.0 (2022-10-10)
- ipu2 is now removed and available in package surveysd
simPop 1.2.0 (2019-07-18)
- simRelation now works with sp-called basic variables
- the function ipu2 is only a wrapper to surveysd::ipf and set as deprecated
simPop 0.6.2
- Updated function simInitSpatial (it now works with household and/or person counts per subregion)
- Moved repo to from previous private git repo
simPop 0.5.0
- The modified whipple index is now computed correctly
- Weighting is now available directly in the whipple function
- ranger is available in simCategorical
simPop 0.3.0 (2016-02-20)
- new function ipu2 (more flexible variant for ipu, still in development)
- new function kishFactor (computation of the Kish factor for sample weights)
- new functions correctHeaps and correctSimpleHeap for dealing with age heaping
- new methods for simContinous and simCateogrical
- simStructure can now deal with populations as input
simPop 0.2.15 (2015-09-30)
- Improvements in samp() and pop(). If argument 'var' is NULL (default), the complete dataset is returned.
simPop 0.2.14
- Warn the user about missing values in variables used in the model in simContinuous()
- additional argument *imputeMissings* (default=FALSE) in simContinuous()
- do not impute missing variables in population data
simPop 0.2.13 (2015-09-21)
- bug in simContinuous solved
- simStructure now works also when no stratification variable is specified
simPop 0.2.12 (2015-08-31)
- adding some utility functions for the sga-project that are not exported
- improve simContinuous() in order to allow to specify the model that should be used for estimation.
- improve simCategorical() in order to allow to specify the model that should be used for estimation.
- problem fixed for missing values in variables not used for modelling.
simPop 0.2.11
- new methods samp, samp<-,pop,and pop<- to extract/modify variables in sample/population on a simPopObj
- adjust manageSimPopObj() to use these methods
simPop 0.2.10
- improvements in simContinous(): new parameters 'byHousehold' and 'basicOnly'
simPop 0.2.9 (2015-01-26)
- manageSynthPopObj to manageSimPopObj
- bug in calibPop.cpp solved (segmentation fault)
simPop 0.2.8
- random numbers in C++ instead of using R
simPop 0.2.6 (2014-11-18)
- fix clang-compiler warning
simPop 0.2.5
- multiple fixes and performance improvements
simPop 0.2.4
- feature: generate colored mosaic plots in spMosaic()
- fix: missing argument and code-mismatch in simRelation()
simPop 0.2.3
- fix in simContinuous() reported by Oliver
simPop 0.2.2
- new parameter 'nr_cpus' for calibPop(), simCategorical(), simContinuous() and simRelation() manually defining how many cpus should be used
- updated man-pages
- new helper-function 'parallelParameters()' returing a list with parameters 'have_win', 'parallel' and 'nr_cores'
- fixed a bug in simCategorical if only one additional variable is simulated
simPop 0.2.1
- fixed a bug in simContinuous (win only) reported by olivier.
simPop 0.2.0
- version drop for final delivery
simPop 0.1.9
- allow more userfriendly input for calibSample()
- calibSample() can be applied to objects of class 'simPopObj'
- updated example for ipu
- whipple index (original and modified) included
- sprague index included
- simInitSpatial() to generate districts from a broader region
- dataObj-methods for covWt() and corWt()
- dataObj-methods for meanWt() and varWt()
- method addWeights<- to modify sampling weights based on output from calibSample()
- dataObj-method for quantileWt()
- updated default parameters for calibPop(). Previous choices for starting temperature were much to high and too many worse solution were accepted.
- fixed example for calibPop()
- new accessor/set functions sampleData, sampleObj, sampleObj<-, popData, popObj, popObj<-, tableObj with updated man-page
simPop 0.1.8
- remove S3-class spBwplot() -> only default method was implemented. Removed option to supply a list of populations; rewritten to use 'simPopObj'-objects
- fixed man files for spBwplot() and spBwplotStats()
- updated calibPop() so that the function uses and returns objects of class 'simPopObj'
- auxData()-methods to query/set 'sample' slot in 'simPopObj'-objects
simPop 0.1.7
- parallel-computing on windows-platforms using doParallel-package
- removed spTable.formula method (did not work correctly, anyway)
- parallel processing on windows using doParallel-package and foreach with %dopar%
- fixed a problem in calibPop.cpp where export of params-object in a list was not done correctly
- refactorization of calibPop.R to allow parallel computing
simPop 0.1.6
- removed method 'ctree' from simCategorical() -> perhaps add it later
- removed argument 'basic' from simCategorical(). The function now uses variables listed in slot @basicHHvars of the input object of class 'simPopObj'.
- made check that slot basicHHvars after simStructure() contains at least one variable.
- new utility-function manageSynthPopObj() to get/set variables in objects of class 'simPopObj'
- updated a lot of Rd-Files with (now) working examples
- updated simEUSILC()
simPop 0.1.5
- combined classes 'sampleObj' and 'popObj' into 'dataObj'
- renamed specify_sample() to specifyInput()
- adjusted NAMESPACE files, documentation and functions to reflect these changes
- Parallelization of simContinous() on non-windows platforms
- porting simContinous() to use new class 'simPopObj' as input
simPop 0.1.4
- starting to use new classes 'sampleObj', 'popObj' and 'simPopObj' for the entire package
- various fixes and improvements such as a new c++ implementation of calibVars()
- cleanup dependencies in DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE
- remove method 'liblinear' from simCategorical() - has never really worked
simPop 0.1.3
- parallelize simRelevation() on non-windows platforms
- c++ algorithm for simulated annealing in calibPop()
- multiple commits to fix documentation and cran-notes/warnings when checking
simPop 0.1.2
- temporarily add explicit parallel-option to calibPop() for testing-purposes
- more efficient implementation of auxiliary-function resample() used in calibPop()
- changed default setting for auxiliary-variable 'factor' in calibPop() which now allows the algorithm to terminate in an accceptable time
- added R/zzz.R to get current package version on loading the package
simPop 0.1.1
- more efficient c++ implementation of iterative proportional updating
- multiple imports from package simPopulation
- reorganizations (simAnnealing -> simPop,...)
simPop 0.1.0
- code largely based on version 0.4.1 of simPopulation
- use package parallel if possible for some functions (non-windows platforms)
- first version of simulated annealing
- first (very rough) version of IPU (iterative proportional updating)
- remove vignette from simPopulation
- update Citation
- new methods for simCategorical (naivebayes, ctree and liblinear)