1. simPop::eusilc13puf
    Synthetic EU-SILC 2013 survey data
  2. simPop::eusilcP
    Synthetic EU-SILC data
    data.frame|58654 x 28
  3. simPop::eusilcS
    Synthetic EU-SILC survey data
  4. simPop::ghanaS
    Synthetic GLSS survey data
  5. simPop::totalsRG
    Population totals Region times Gender for Austria 2006
  6. simPop::totalsRGtab
    Population totals Region times Gender for Austria 2006
    table|2 x 9
  7. VIM::Animals_na
  8. VIM::SBS5242
    Synthetic subset of the Austrian structural business statistics data
    matrix|262 x 9
  9. VIM::bcancer
    Breast cancer Wisconsin data set
  10. VIM::brittleness
    Brittleness index data set
  11. VIM::chorizonDL
    C-horizon of the Kola data with missing values
  12. VIM::colic
    Colic horse data set
  13. VIM::collisions
    Subset of the collision data
  14. VIM::diabetes
    Indian Prime Diabetes Data
  15. VIM::food
    Food consumption
  16. VIM::kola.background
    Background map for the Kola project data
  17. VIM::pulplignin
    Pulp lignin content
  18. VIM::sleep
    Mammal sleep data
  19. VIM::tao
    Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) project data
  20. VIM::testdata
    Simulated data set for testing purpose
  21. VIM::toydataMiss
    Simulated toy data set for examples
  22. VIM::wine
    Wine tasting and price
  23. x12::AirPassengersX12
    x12Single object
  24. x12::AirPassengersX12Batch
    x12Batch object