- simPop::eusilc13pufSynthetic EU-SILC 2013 survey data
- simPop::eusilcPSynthetic EU-SILC data
- simPop::eusilcSSynthetic EU-SILC survey data
- simPop::ghanaSSynthetic GLSS survey data
- simPop::totalsRGPopulation totals Region times Gender for Austria 2006
- simPop::totalsRGtabPopulation totals Region times Gender for Austria 2006
- VIM::Animals_naAnimals_na
- VIM::SBS5242Synthetic subset of the Austrian structural business statistics data
- VIM::bcancerBreast cancer Wisconsin data set
- VIM::brittlenessBrittleness index data set
- VIM::chorizonDLC-horizon of the Kola data with missing values
- VIM::colicColic horse data set
- VIM::collisionsSubset of the collision data
- VIM::diabetesIndian Prime Diabetes Data
- VIM::foodFood consumption
- VIM::kola.backgroundBackground map for the Kola project data
- VIM::pulpligninPulp lignin content
- VIM::sleepMammal sleep data
- VIM::taoTropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) project data
- VIM::testdataSimulated data set for testing purpose
- VIM::toydataMissSimulated toy data set for examples
- VIM::wineWine tasting and price
- x12::AirPassengersX12x12Single object
- x12::AirPassengersX12Batchx12Batch object